Table 1. Soil series occupting more than 1% of the land area  in MLRA 86.

    Area Percent of MLRA
Soil Class (acres) Component Cumulative

Houston Black Udic Pellusterts, Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 1,388,119 11.31 11.31
Crockett Udertic Paleustalfs, Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 1,213,378 9.88 21.19
Heiden Udic Chromusterts, Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 1,159,643 9.45 30.64
Wilson Vertic Ochraqualfs, Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 960,215 7.82 38.46
Austin Udorthentic Haplustolls, Fine-Silty, Carbonatic, Thermic 505,566 4.12 42.58
Tinn Typic Pelluderts, Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 495,986 4.04 46.62
Altoga Udic Ustochrepts, Fine-Silty, Carbonatic, Thermic 275,569 2.24 48.86
Trinity Typic Pelluderts, Very-Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 274,046 2.23 51.09
Gowen Cumulic Haplustolls, Fine-Loamy, Mixed, Thermic 247,387 2.02 53.11
Ferris Udorthentic Chromusterts, Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 241,963 1.97 55.08
Frelsburg Udorthentic Pellusterts, Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 235,360 1.92 57.00
Burleson Udic Pellusterts, Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 224,243 1.83 58.82
Branyon Udic Pellusterts, Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 218,948 1.78 60.61
Kaufman Typic Pelluderts, Very-Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 180,067 1.47 62.07
Axtell Udertic Paleustalfs, Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 176,316 1.44 63.51
Gredge Aquic Paleustalfs, Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 155,542 1.27 64.78
Fairlie Udic Pellusterts, Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 150,527 1.23 66.00
Padina Grossarenic Paleustalfs, Loamy, Siliceous, Thermic 141,229 1.15 67.15
Leson Udic Pellusterts, Fine, Montmorillonitic, Thermic 134,618 1.10 68.25
Stephen Udorthentic Haplustolls, Clayey, Mixed, Thermic, Shallow 129,825 1.06 69.31

Table 2. Soil series and some physical properties of soils of MLRA 86 that occupy more than 10,000 acres (USDA-NRCS).

Series Depth Texture Permeability Drainage
Slope Area
      Low High

  (in)   (in/hr)   (in/ft) (in/ft) (%) (acres)
Altoga 66 SIC 0.6-2 W 9.9 11.9 1-12 275,569
Annona 95 L 0-0.06 SP 11.5 17.1 1-3 64,373
Arenosa 80 FS 20 SE 4 6.4 0-12 12,527
Arol 30 FSL 0-0.06 MW 3.1 4.7 0-3 12,674
Austin 30 SIC 0.06-0.6 W 4.5 6 0-8 505,566
Axtell 94 FSL 0-0.06 MW 6.9 14.2 1-12 176,316
Barbarosa 72 SIC 0.06-0.2 W 10.1 13.4 0-3 22,983
Bastrop 80 FSL 0.6-2 W 11.2 14.7 0-8 11,130
Bastsil 80 FSL 0.6-2 W 9.4 12.6 0-5 18,307
Benchley 80 CL 0.06-.2 MW 8.9 13.7 1-5 35,193
Bergstrom 80 SIL 0.6-2 W 12.8 16 0-1 31,300
Bleiblerville 75 C 0-0.06 MW 11.3 13.5 0-3 28,621
Bosque 60 L-CL 0.6-2 W 8.6 11.8 0-1 40,785
Branyon 86 C 0-0.06 MW 10.3 15.5 0-3 218,947
Brazoria 65 C 0-0.06 MW 5.2 11.7 0-1 18,293
Brenham 80 C 0.6-2 W 9.9 14 1-8 30,557
Burleson 80 C 0-0.06 MW 9.6 14.4 0-5 224,224
Burlewash 27 FSL 0-0.06 W 3.2 4.7 1-8 69,285
Callisburg 65 C 0.2-0.6 W 9.4 12.8 1-5 18,302
Carbengle 34 L-CL 0.06-2 W 5.1 6.8 1-8 117,655
Chazos 80 C 0.06-0.2 MW 8.3 12.6 0-8 60,810
Comfort 17 ST-STX-C 0.06-0.2 W 1.2 2.6 1-8 43,892
Crocket 80 GR-FSL-L 0-0.06 MW 7.6 12.1 0-10 1,213,376
Dalco 35 SICL 0-0.06 MW 4.2 6.3 1-4 78,830
Denhawken 75 CL 0-0.06 W 7.5 12.6 0-5 24,301
Deport 68 C 0-0.06 SP 7.7 12 1-3 28,056
Derly 80 SIL 0-0.06 P 9.8 15 0-1 27,609
Dimebox 83 SIC 0-0.06 MW 10 14.9 0-3 21,597
Dubina 80 LFS 0.06-0.2 MW 8 12.1 1-5 30,104
Eckrant 12 CBV,C,STX,CB,ST,STV 0.06-0.6 W 0.6 1.4 0-40 35,737
Eddy 10 GR-CL 0.06-2 W 0.7 1.1 1-20 87,817
Edge 93 FSL 0-0.06 W 10.4 16.5 1-12 23,468
Elmendorf 80 CL 0-0.06 W 8.5 15.4 0-5 32,570
Fairlie 54 SICL-C 0-0.06 MW 7.6 10.8 0-4 150,527
Falba 33 FSL 0-0.06 MW 4.1 5.4 1-5 30,694
Ferris 80 C 0-0.06 W 10.4 13.2 1-20 241,963
Freestone 80 C 0.06-0.2 MW 9.5 13.9 0-3 44,390
Frelsburg 75 C 0-0.06 MW 10.6 14.3 1-8 235,360
Frio 80 SICL-SIC-CL 0.2-0.6 W 8.8 12.8 0-2 115,197
Gaddy 60 FSL-LFS 6-20 SE 3.7 6.1 0-3 20,794
Gasil 75 LFS-FSL 0.6-2 W 8.8 13.6 0-12 20,159
Gladewater 80 C 0-0.06 SP 12 14.7 0-2 61,844
Gowen 60 FSL-L 0.6-2 W 8.4 11.3 0-1 247,387
Gredge 68 FSL 0-0.06 MW 8 12 1-8 155,542
Hallettsville 80 FSL 0-0.06 MW 7.8 12.5 1-3 86,503
Heiden 70 C 0-0.06 W 8.7 12.4 1-20 1,159,643
Hopco 80 SIL-SICL 0.2-0.6 SP 12.5 17 0-1 12,742
Houston Black 80 C 0-0.06 MW 7.8 13.7 0-8 1,388,119
Ivanhoe 84 SIL 0-0.06 SP 11.9 15.4 0-1 10,328
Kaufman 80 C 0-0.06 SP 8.1 12.9 0-2 180,066
Klump 64 FSL 0.6-2 W 6.4 10.3 1-8 14,976
Kullit 72 VFSL 0.2-0.6 MW 8.2 11.6 1-3 25,960
Latium 70 C 0-0.06 W 10.5 12.6 3-8 48,366
Leson 80 C 0-0.06 MW 9.6 14 1-3 134,618
Lewisville 62 SIC-CL 0.6-2 W 9 11.5 0-5 215,014
Lufkin 80 FSL-L 0-0.06 SP 9.2 13.7 0-3 69,878
Luling 70 C 0-0.06 W 6.5 10.6 0-5 73,157
Mabank 84 FSL-L 0-0.6 SP 10 14.9 0-5 25,033
Meguin 62 SICL-SIC 0.6-2 W 8.9 13.2 0-1 68,763
Miguel 60 VFSL 0-0.06 W 7.4 10.7 0-3 23,385
Nahatche 80 FSL-L 0.6-2 SP 8 12 0-2 53,759
Normangee 64 GR-CL 0-0.06 MW 7.5 11.2 0-8 112,180
Ovan 80 SIC-C 0-0.06 MW 12 16 0-2 45,480
Padina 80 FS-LFS 0.6-2 W 7 9.7 0-15 141,230
Papalote 65 FSL-LFS 0.06-0.2 MW 7.2 10.3 0-3 23,031
Pledger 70 C 0-0.06 MW 8.5 12 0-1 20,325
Pursley 66 L-CL 0.6-2 W 10 13.5 0-1 57,457
Queeny 9 GR-L 0.01-0.6 W 0.8 1.3 1-20 10,247
Rader 77 FSL-L 0-0.06 MW 8.7 13.1 0-3 51,187
Raino 90 L 0-0.06 MW 10.9 16.9 0-1 13,266
Renish 12 L-CL 0.6-2 W 1.8 2.4 2-12 38,870
Robco 80 LFS-FS 0.06-0.2 MW 7.1 12.2 0-8 24,581
Rock Outcrop nd WB-UWB 0.01-20 nd nd nd 1-40 17,641
Rumple 26 GRV-CL 0.2-0.6 W 0.8 1.8 1-8 29,079
Ruston 85 FSL 0.6-2 W 10 14 1-8 11,645
Sandow 60 L-CL 0.2-0.6 MW 8.8 11.8 0-1 15,099
Severn 60 VFSL-SFL-SIL-SILC 2-6 W 6.6 12 0-3 11,010
Ships 80 C 0-0.06 MW 8 12 0-1 69,601
Shiro 31 LFS 0.01-0.2 MW 3.6 4.4 1-8 30,575
Silawa 70 FSL-LFS 0.6-2 W 6.5 10.6 0-12 38,532
Silstid 80 FS-LFS 0.6-2 W 6.2 10.6 0-8 79,192
Singleton 38 FSL 0-0.06 SP 4.7 6.8 0-5 81,426
Smithville 62 L 0.6-2 W 8.7 11.5 0-1 31,300
Stephen 8 SIC 0.06-0.6 W 0.8 1.2 1-8 129,825
Straber 80 LFS-LS 0-0.06 MW 9.6 13.4 0-8 49,714
Sunev 72 L-SICL-CL 0.6-2 W 7.8 11.5 0-15 53,576
Tabor 80 GR-FSL 0-0.06 MW 9.4 12.3 0-5 69,074
Thenas 80 FSL 0.6-2 MW 9 13.7 0-1 12,980
Tinn 62 C 0-0.06 SP 9.3 12.4 0-1 495,986
Torida 60 C 0-0.06 W 6.9 10.3 0-5 12,830
Tremona 80 GR-LFS-LS 0-0.06 SP 6.5 11.3 1-5 35,700
Trinity 75 C 0-0.06 SP 6.6 10.5 0-1 274,046
Uhland 80 FSL 0.2-0.6 MW 8 11.2 0-1 13,256
Vesey 68 FSL 0.6-2 W 7.1 12.8 8-20 11,644
Weswood 80 SIL 0.6-2 W 12 17.4 0-1 41,043
Whakana 80 FSL 0.6-2 W 8 12 1-12 22,577
Wilson 77 SIL-L-CL 0-0.06 SP 9.1 11.7 0-5 960,216
Woodtell 72 FSL-L 0-0.06 MW 8 12.3 0-20 39,869
Wrightsville 72 SIL 0-0.06 P 10.4 16.2 0-1 10,837
Yahola 72 VFSL-FSL 2-6 W 7.1 14.4 0-2 21,774
Zack 60 FSL 0-0.06 MW 5.9 10.7 1-5 15,135
Zulch 60 FSL 0-0.06 SP 7 10.7 0-3 26,659

1Drainage categories: W=well; SP=somewhat poor; SE-somewhat excessive; MW=moderately well; P=poor; and ND=no data.