Table 5. Summary list of factors influencing
chemical leaching and the way they are addressed in calculation of groundwater
hazard with the CMLS model.
Estimating amount leached |
GWH using CMLS |
First-order degradation in root zone
Ignored unless it can be incorporated into first-order degradation rate
Chemical taken up by plants
Chemical lost to atmosphere
Amount of water passing through soil
Daily water balance model
Water infiltration/runoff
SCS curve number approach
Estimated using field capacity and permanent wilting point
Rainfall distribution and irrigation practices
Historical weather, weather generator and irrigation are supported
Built-in evapotranspiration estimators or historical data
Assumed constant over time
Assumed linearly related to concentration in water
Assumed to be reversible
Assumed to be instantaneous
Mixing and Dilution |
Initial concentration in aquifer
Fraction of recharge by percolation
Mixes in saturated aquifer to user-defined depth
Dispersion in unsaturated zone
Critical Concentration |
User input; USEPA lifetime health advisory level or its equivalent suggested
Uncertainty and Variability |
Built-in Monte Carlo simulation using many weather records for the site
to obtain distributions of GWH
Ability to simulate many profiles and combine them to obtain distribution
of GWH