Soil Physics
Homepage of the soil physics group at Oklahoma State University.
Andres Patrignani installs soil moisture sensors at the OSU Range Research Station in support of our Joint Fire Science Program funded research to understand the links between soil moisture and wildfire in grasslands.
Welcome to the home page for the Oklahoma State University Soil Physics program. Here you can learn about our research and teaching activities and access information related to the discipline of soil physics.
Program Mission and Focus:
Our mission is to help people better understand and appreciate the soil, the soil water balance, and the surface energy balance so that we can more wisely manage and conserve the land and water with which we have been entrusted. Our primary focus is on multi-scale soil moisture monitoring and improved utilization of soil moisture data in agriculture, meteorology, environmental modeling, and drought adaptation.
Web-based products from our group:
- Rain or Shine -- An Introduction to Soil Physical Properties and Processes: An open-access, introductory, multi-media, soil physics textbook by Tyson Ochsner. Please email feedback to
- Automated soil moisture mapping system producing daily, 800-m resolution maps of soil moisture at three depths across the entire state of Oklahoma.
- Homepage for free iOS, Android, and Matlab apps that can be used to rapidly and objectively measure percent green canopy cover in digital images.
- Group Youtube Channel: Homepage for educational, soil physics-related videos developed in our group.
- Oklahoma drainage maps: Webpage displaying annual and long-term average maps of estimated drainage rates at a soil depth of 60 cm.
- Destiny Kerr's paper published in Soil Science Society of America Journal: Soil organic carbon more strongly related to soil moisture than soil temperature in temperate grasslands.
- Tyson Ochsner's paper published in Water Resources Research: Mesoscale Soil Moisture Patterns Revealed Using a Sparse In Situ Network and Regression Kriging.
- Yongyong Zhang's paper published in Vadose Zone Journal: Estimating Deep Drainage Using Deep Soil Moisture Data under Young Irrigated Cropland in a Desert‐Oasis Ecotone, Northwest China.
- Andres Patrignani's paper published in Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment: No‐Till Diversified Cropping Systems for Efficient Allocation of Precipitation in the Southern Great Plains.
- Yongyong Zhang's paper published in Soil Science Society of America Journal: Recalibration of Sensors in One of The World's Longest Running Automated Soil Moisture Monitoring Networks.
Unique Documents:
- An Urgent Appeal for Soil Stewardship: A statement from the 2009 Bouyoucos Conference on Soil Stewardship in an Era of Global Climate Change held in Nebraska City, Nebraska.
- Water transport by advection and diffusion: An unpublished manuscript from Dr. Art Corey and his son Philip Corey in which they challenge conventional theories for water transport in porous media. Dated May 26, 2016. Posted here by permission of Dr. Art Corey.
For additional information contact:
Tyson Ochsner