Andres Patrignani
I was born in Venado Tuerto, Argentina. I earned my B.S. in Agronomic Engineering at Universidad Nacional de Rosario. In 2008, I worked in the Argentinean No-till Farmers Association (Aapresid) as an intern. Afterwards, I spent one year in a program sponsored by South Dakota State University, Monsanto, and Aapresid. There, I worked in SDSU's soil fertility trials and in Monsanto's crop physiology field experiments. In 2011 I have obtained the MSc degree in Plant and Soil Sciences at Oklahoma State University. Currenty, I am a PhD candidate in Soil Sciences at OSU. I am part of a team of specialists in Soil Physics and Cropping Systems working together to estimate water balances in no-till cropping systems. We have a particular focus on soil water storage, water use by biologically intensified cropping systems, the study of evapotranspiration partitioning, crop modelling, and transpiration response to plant available water in the soil.