Oklahoma State University

CMLS98B File Structures

Purpose | Processes and Assumptions | Installation | Use | Example | References | Acknowledgements
Program Structure | Platform Dependencies | File Structures


All files used by CMLS98B are ASCII files. They can be easily created by other programs or by editors. Different values on a line are called fields. Different lines are called records. One or more blank spaces separate fields on the same line. The structures described are the forms assumed by CMLS98B. Other forms will require rewriting the functions which read files. Specifics for each file follow.

  1. Weather: This file is illustrated below. Line 1 contains the number of days in the file and the first year. Line 2 is a coded identifier for the weather station. Line 3 is the name of the weather station. Line 4 contains the latitude of the location in degrees, the character 'N' or 'S' for hemisphere, the longitude in degrees, the character 'E' or 'W' for longitude, the elevation, the characters 'M' or 'FT' for elevation units, and the characters 'MM' or 'IN' for precipitation units, and the character 'F' or 'C' for temperature units of Fahrenheit or Celsius, respectively. Line 5 begins the weather data with day of year followed by maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and precipitation. Note that the day of year begins again at 1 each year.
    10227 1948
    35.10 N 98.43 W 1260 FT IN F
    1 28 14 0.380
    2 38 6 0.000
    3 46 10 0.000
    4 50 18 0.000
    5 55 25 0.000
    6 55 29 0.000
    7 57 28 0.000
    8 63 29 0.000
    9 63 33 0.000
    10 58 30 0.000
    11 54 34 0.000
    12 53 39 0.040
    13 50 24 0.000
    14 45 22 0.000
    15 48 24 0.000
    16 49 20 0.001
    17 33 11 0.000
    18 38 14 0.000
    19 41 17 0.000
    20 45 23 0.000
    21 54 21 0.000
    22 58 28 0.000
    23 54 11 0.000
    24 29 12 0.120
    25 26 17 0.000
    . . . .
    . . . .
    . . . .
    365 47 12 0.000
    366 48 15 0.000
    1 50 24 0.000
    2 59 25 0.000
    . . . .
    . . . .
    . . . .
  2. Infiltration: Line 1 of this file contains the number of days of data in the file and the year the data begins. Line 2 contains a coded identifier for the location. Line 3 contains the name of the location. Line 4 contains the latitude of the location in degrees, the character 'N' or 'S' for hemisphere, the longitude, the character 'E' or 'W' for longitude, the elevation, the characters 'M' or 'FT' for elevation units, and the characters 'MM' or 'IN' for infiltration units. Lines 5 to the end of the file contain the day of year followed by the infiltration amount on that day. Thus the file looks like that for weather except that only one number instead of 3) is present for each day.
  3. Irrigation File: This file is identical to the infiltration file with irrigation amounts replacing infiltration amounts.
  4. Evapotranspiration: This file is identical in structure to the infiltration file. In this case the last set of units on line 4 represents the units for evapotranspiration. Beginning in line 5, each line contains the day of year and the evapotranspiration on that day.
  5. Pan Evaporation: This file is identical to the evapotranspiration file with daily evapotranspiration replaced by pan evapotranspiration.
  6. Crop Coefficients: The crop coefficient file can contain time dependent crop coefficients for many crops. Each line of the file represents a different crop. The first field in the line is the name of the crop. This can be up to 20 alphanumeric characters. The crop name cannot include a blank. The crop name must be unique within this file. Following the crop name are up to 12 day - crop coefficient data pairs. The days are referenced to the planting day of the crop. That is, day 1 is the day the crop was planted. This table is illustrated below for three crops. The values shown were estimated from information presented in Jensen et al. (1990).
    Corn 1 0.15 20 0.40 30 0.95 60 0.95 100 0.70 80 0.30 150 0.15
    Soybeans 1 0.15 20 0.22 40 0.75 50 1.0 90 0.95 110 0.65 120 0.15
    Peanuts 1 0.3 20 0.3 40 1.0 130 1.0 150 0.3 180 0.2 350 0.1 

  7. WGEN Parameters: The following table illustrates a parameter file. Line 1 contains the name of the weather station. Line 2 contains notes about the station such as the name of the file from which these parameters were derived. Line 3 contains the latitude of the location in degrees, the character 'N' or 'S' for hemisphere, the longitude, the character 'E' or 'W' for longitude, the elevation, the characters 'M' or 'FT' for elevation units, the characters 'MM' or 'IN' associated with the precipitation generated with these parameters, and the characters 'F' (Fahrenheit) or 'C' (Celsius) for the temperature units associated with generated high an low temperatures. Lines 4 through 15 contain PWW, PWD, ALPHA, and BETA for January through December. Line 16 contains TXMD, ATX, CVTX, ACVTX, TXMW, TN, ATN, CVTN, ACVTN, RMD, AR, and RMW (Note: These 12 parameters can be spread over more than one line if you prefer). See the WGEN manual for a description of these symbols.
    35.10 N 98.43 W 1260 FT IN F
    0.409091 0.153179 0.324357 0.442812
    0.467005 0.183986 0.340742 0.470576
    0.409524 0.186930 0.365041 0.588176
    0.423913 0.167683 0.444659 0.742441
    0.477193 0.246998 0.402377 1.163035
    0.440816 0.235294 0.391554 1.108837
    0.411765 0.164464 0.373781 1.180033
    0.335079 0.180207 0.379064 0.879246
    0.378109 0.194053 0.394694 1.213369
    0.437500 0.127119 0.356080 1.156289
    0.379085 0.135371 0.337475 0.803611
    0.438596 0.139168 0.318023 0.548300
    76.036964 21.877216 0.125157 -0.076647
    48.341244 22.346968 0.196495 -0.144030
    460.000000 198.000000 300.000000

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